Happy In Bag

Monday, October 10, 2005

Inside Pitch

Two decades ago, The Violent Femmes were subversives, bent on making an interesting racket as they challenged the establishment. Today, they’re competent pros, delivering familiar, rehashed product to an audience that wants their "alternative" media delivered in a safe, predictable packages.

The same is true for the Pitch. Kansas City’s weekly alternative newspaper celebrated its 25th anniversary Friday night at the Madrid Theater. The Violent Femmes were an ideal choice for the party’s hired entertainment.

I liberally partook of the Pitch’s free booze and food. I had a swell time.

I spent part of the evening chatting with the founder and original owner of the Pitch. Only a handful of people in the room knew who he was. More tellingly, even fewer cared.

I like most of the current Pitch staffers I’ve met, and I enjoyed their company Friday night. But it’s just another gig for these folks- they feel little emotional bond with the paper, which is now owned by a Phoenix corporation. Most are gunning for something they perceive as better, like a job at an ad agency or a position at the Village Voice.

It’s inevitable, I suppose. As the Violent Femmes sang, "Add it up." The Pitch is fat with advertising. Who am I to expect anything more?


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