O' My
As I devoured my hearty but somewhat bland Irish pot roast in the recently transplanted O'Neill's Restaurant & Bar at the Ranch Mart Shopping Center, I filled my dining companion in on my sure-fire scheme. "Look!" I ranted. "This joint is packed. Any restaurant would succeed in this neighborhood. All we have to do is hire a friendly and efficient staff. Owning a restaurant here would be like having a license to print money!" My request for a loan was denied. (Emaw offers additional details on changes in our goldmine of a neighborhood here.)
At 7:44 AM,
Average Jane said…
I used to work in the Ranchmart Shops and I can't tell you how pathetically grateful we all were when the McDonald's opened because there was absolutely nowhere else to eat except Taco Via (ugh) and Pumpernick's Deli, which was a little pricey for us back in the day.
At 9:00 AM,
Midwest Kitchen said…
The key, as you mentioned, would be to run it the right way. Cupini's has already lost my business due to apathy by the staff, lack of food handling knowledge that I witnessed (and had to correct) first hand, but the last straw was the critical violations that were found by health inspectors.
Haven't tried O'Neill's new spot but I found while they were gone I did not miss them. They were always a backup plan if everything else fell through... usually a Fall 'pot roast to go' kind of joint.
You mentioned in the past opening a pizza joint... artisan wood fired pizza anyone? I have another home-style idea that I won't share in case I get off my duff and do something with it.
At 3:48 PM,
FletcherDodge said…
You make a great point on the demographic makeup of our neighborhood. There's a lot of reasonably affluent retirees (or near-retirees), which means there's money to be (or n spend and they don't want to go too far to spend it.
At 9:42 AM,
bgo said…
Capitalist Pigs LOL
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