Happy In Bag

Monday, April 17, 2006


Metal fans rool!

Just when it seems that America has officially made music an entirely disposable commodity, Midwestern aficionados of loud rock prove that it ain’t over just yet.

Parked outside a suburban Kansas City Borders store on Saturday afternoon were cars plastered with heavy rock bumper stickers. Many had out-of-state plates. They were in town to see Rob Zombie perform that night. But first, they caught Zombie’s opening act, Italian goth-metal band Lacuna Coil, play a brief, technically impressive acoustic set at the upscale retailer.

A lengthy autograph session ensued. Borders chose not to play the band’s music after the live set, presumably so as not to offend their usual customers. (Check my notes about this local dilemma at Patchchord. It was perversely amusing to see hundreds of aggressively body-enhanced yet docile fans line up in the silent store.

Metal fans, like their country music counterparts, are renowned for their loyalty and dedication. The music industry should hope that they breed heavily.


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