What's In a Name?
It's difficult to discern in my photo, but a significant part of Kansas City's social history and demographic trends is contained in the name of this area business. "Troost," the first word in the business' name, is crossed out. Apparently, they were founded on the street that's traditionally been the dividing line of the city's racial and economic groups. The business has since followed its customers to Johnson County. It's kind of cool that they have a sense of history, even if it's displayed in a somewhat rude fashion.
At 3:12 PM,
brucedene said…
Earlier this week, I got a kick out of discovering that there's a Troost in Olathe, too. No discernable demographic shift crossing from one side of it to the other--just Olathe as far as the eye can see.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was actually more struck by the curious division of the word between between the L and the A in "fireplace". Both common sense and an evenly divided letter count would suggest fire/place instead...
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