Happy In Bag

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Behind the State

As I waited for my number to be called at the DMV this week, I had plenty of time to reassess my longstanding antipathy of government agencies. They're inherently inefficient and wasteful. Yet when my turn to write a check finally came, I encountered a friendly clerk. Her humanity reminded me that our government is not evil. It's just inevitably incompetent. That's why I don't relate to hysterical freaks on the right or the left.


  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger kcmeesha said…

    actually I think government services improved a lot.at this level they are people from our communities,evil starts way above

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Faith said…

    When I went in to renew the registration on both cars that are in my name last year, I needed to make a change to them into my married name at the same time. I was lucky enough to get a clerk who was not only uber-helpful in that regard, but she was also very nice and patient with my slow grasp on what she was suggesting I do. I can't say it made the long wait we'd had worth while, but it certainly didn't exacerbate it, which I appreciated.

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Happy In Bag said…

    Your point is duly noted, Meesha.

    I wonder if we were both lucky enough to draw the same person, Faith. Or is it- gasp!- possible that more than one competent person works at the D.M.V.?

    Here's an additional positive observation: Homeless people are allowed to sleep undisturbed at the Mission facility. (I was there on a cold and wet day.)


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