Happy In Bag

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tiny Town

While I love Kansas City, it can seem awfully insular. In the recent process of selecting new office space, I repeatedly bumped into personal and business associates. My blogging problem aside, I'm a private person. I prefer to work in anonymity. It's next to impossible in this town.


  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger bgo said…

    I promise to go away and not go away mad if that is how you feel.

  • At 1:46 PM, Blogger Happy In Bag said…

    It's not that, BGO. It's just that I'd prefer not to feel compelled to chat up acquaintances while I'm "working." My new digs, incidentally, are a twenty-minute walk from your downtown locale.

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger bgo said…


    You know I was being facetious, right?

    And what about chatting when you are 'working' with acquaintances? There may be a day sooner or later when our friendship might perhaps involve economics beneficial to the both of us. But what do I know? And as you know any business lunch will not involve my backsliding into sipping vodka on the rocks (oh how i miss it).

    When you need to take a walk away from you new digs, come look me up at work. Just let me know you are on your way.


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