Lost In Translation
I'm suspicious when people and institutions go out of their way to articulate concepts that should be implicitly understood. Here's how I translate three irksome slogans. "The Friendliest Place In Town" means "We're really working on minimizing our employees' use of profanity." "Celebrate Diversity" bumper stickers mean "I'm unaccountably uncomfortable with the color of my skin and with my personal faith." A "Coexist" t-shirt means "It's really important that everyone know I'm not racist."
At 9:58 AM,
Xavier Onassis said…
I'm with ya on this one, bub!
At 10:14 AM,
Happy In Bag said…
The inspiration for this post, XO, was a teenager I spotted yesterday. He wore a hoodie that depicted a figure throwing a swastika in a trash can. Is that really necessary in this time and place? The emotions evoked by the swastika completely negated the sentiment.
At 10:33 AM,
The DLC said…
What a weird sign. Who's that little chocolate M&M with the arms and legs?
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is it Mr. Goodcents? That must be the penny. The nickel, dime and quarter weren't available for the photo shoot.
At 3:28 PM,
brucedene said…
Bill, In Seattle it's ten times worse. When I hear the word 'community,' I reach for my revolver.
Also, I think that little guy is Mr. Hanky's uncle.
At 10:07 AM,
Jaggdd said…
It's a rare thing that people tell the truth without pandering or posturing in their blog posts and comments. Thank you. And I have a personal rule of thumb that the more bumper stickers you have, the lower your IQ...
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