Happy In Bag

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Small Concession

I'm the type of guy who slips a granola bar into his pocket when he goes to a concert. I didn't buy a single beer at a baseball game in 2009. Concessions are expensive and I'm cheap. That's why the bargain-priced QuickTrip inside The Sprint Center is the only place at any Kansas City concert or sporting venue where I don't hesitate to purchase a snack or beverage. Zarda barbecue has an outlet at the new Independence Events Center. This modest sandwich goes for eight dollars. It's good. But not that good.


  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger kcmeesha said…

    that's a rip-off but they figured once you bought the tickets and payed all the ticketmaster charges,you've been primed for a rip-off and stopped caring

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger the unthinking lemming said…

    mmmm... looks like shredded albino squirrel to me.

    *runs away*


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