As various editors can attest, I'm not a grammar nerd. The proper application of words and punctuation is an ongoing challenge for me. While I'm reluctant to mock the errors of others, I just had to share this outlandish sticker I found on a package of cookies.
At 5:12 PM,
Donna. W said…
Yes, and I see that error constantly on Facebook. Drives me nuts.
At 6:23 AM,
mike t. said…
it's, its. lose loose. they're their, there. ain't english grand?
At 7:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had the duty of picking up a cake for a Baltimore Ravens watch-party, and the football-shaped cake at the local store was adorned with purple icing that read "Go Raven's!" If the bakery weren't closed at the time I just might have said something to someone behind the counter.
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