Getting My Goat

My refrigerator is filled with goat milk. A goat farmer peddles his wares out of a truck on a residential street in a midtown neighborhood every Saturday morning. A member of my compound consumes his milk, cheese and chicken eggs as if they were manna from heaven. I don't particularly care for the stuff.
At 1:20 PM,
kcmeesha said…
I don't mind goat cheese. Not so sure about the milk. Although I did try camel milk once, so who am I to judge.
At 1:45 PM,
Nick said…
Agree with Mike; goat cheese is good, milk? Meh. Though it is supposed to be far healthier for you...
At 3:44 PM,
bgo said…
Do tell where I might find this cheese and chicken eggs truck? PM if you must.
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