Happy In Bag

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Everything But Olives

I'm on one of my periodic hunger strikes. Don't be alarmed- it merely means that I've temporarily suspended compulsively devouring everything I encounter. I'll discover if it's possible to drop five pounds while continuing to enjoy Boulevard two or three times a week. So instead of opting for tamales and cheeseburgers, I now stop at sandwich shops as I make my rounds. The current $5 foot-long promotion isn't helping my cause.


  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger Spyder said…

    Good for you! Think I found your 5 pounds1

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger the unthinking lemming said…

    hmmm... I'm headed to the deli tomorrow. Have you seen the size of the Ruebens at the Carnegie Deli? I could probably live the weekend on just one of those bad boys... but I won't....


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