Free Popsicles

I'm a sap. Flash a sincere smile and give me a free popsicle and I'm sold. I walked out of a grocery store on July 4 thinking that Hy-Vee was the happiest place in the world. I had the opposite experience the next day. My visit to a national bookstore chain outlet was an exercise in frustration. The store was out-of-stock on their advertised sale titles. Furthermore, the atmosphere was dismal. Maybe they should try handing out free popsicles.
At 2:20 PM,
bgo said…
Maybe you should order it from Rainy Day Books and support local independent booksellers who give a rats ass about what you want to read.
At 2:25 PM,
Happy In Bag said…
Alas, BGO, Rainy Day Books didn't return my call. They don't sell CDs, either.
At 2:56 PM,
bgo said…
Then go to Amazon/CDNow...
And have it delivered to your digs...
Better yet...Powell's via my link at m&s...
Stay away from Books-A-Million...I ordered once and received a bunch Xtian flyers, brochures, etc I did solicit for. I was deeply offended by it.
At 7:59 PM,
Ruralgurl said…
But the evil Borders gave me a 50% off coupon for the new Wilco. I'd have bought the darn thing from Satan himself at half off. As it is, I only had to go to purgatory for it. (Wal-Mart didn't give out any half off coupons.....)
At 8:01 PM,
Happy In Bag said…
Funny you mention that, RG. Now the world knows what I was after as well.
At 4:31 PM,
jayeff said…
I too went to Borders with my 50%-off coupon clutched in my hot little hand in an unsuccessful attempt to acquire the new Wilco CD. I am appalled to admit I buy most of my music these days at a business I once shunned on general principle, but they keep sending me these email discount coupons, and I am weak, with a CD-a-week habit. So I used a 25%-off coupon and bought Regina Spektor instead. Oh, I WILL own Wilco one fine day, but in the meantime, I'm pretty satisfied.
At 7:20 PM,
Happy In Bag said…
I too am weak, Jayeff.
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