Happy In Bag

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dashboard Confessional

It's a kinky habit. I feel compelled to study the contents of vehicles in parking lots. It's disappointing when I park next to a car that's free of debris. So stashes like this are goldmines. Why is that article taped to the dashboard? Mr. Pibb! Hmm- a devoted reader of the Pitch. What does the driver plan to do with that milk bottle tab? And is that a Ron Paul pamphlet?


  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger bgo said…

    I bet your favorite movie is The Conversation.

    One day Google Maps Street View will cover every square inch of the globe. I can now drive by your home from the living room of mine.

    Better keep your beds made at home.

  • At 10:47 AM, Blogger Don't Need Anything said…

    my god man, i should send you a picture of the inside of my car - empty cd cases, bibles, the pitch, chipotle bags, and whatever other random crap ive collected between fridays.

  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Ruralgurl said…

    Yeah, but if they're like me, all the really good stuff is under the seat anyway.


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